Learn all you need about Exeter Finance Make Payment and then you will be able to pay the bill easily. This is a complete guide that covers all the topics related to making payments and also addresses the issues that can arise.
Log in to MyAccount, an online portal that lets you perform different activities including making payments. You will need to use the credentials for logging in. The quickest way to make the payment is online using your account. You get 24/7/365 access and can pay bill any time you want.
The online payment options customers are provided with include one-time ACH payments, recurring ACH payments every month, debit card payments, and ATM card payments. The ACH payments are made using the checking or savings account. You can set up the monthly recurring ACH payments from the online account. When you have logged in, select recurring payments on the left menu and follow the next steps.
Just call on the number and use their automated payment service or talk with a Customer Service representative. The bill can also be paid through MoneyGram. You can go to any of their branches or use your phone to find the location.
If you like, you can save your payment information in your account for future use. This way, the next time you have to make a payment, you won’t need to enter the information. When you make the payment, it will be posted immediately to your account, however the bank might not debit the funds from the checking account for up two days. After the payment is done, you will see a confirmation number on the screen. You can write down the number or save a copy to keep the records.
Furthermore, you can see the payment history from your account. You can do this by clicking account history in the left menu. If you didn’t make the payment online, they can take up to 48 hours to display. To do this, you have to enroll in AutoPay, which you can do from the online portal. From there, you have to select recurring payments and follow the prompt or you can also complete and return an ACH Sign-Up form, which is included on the back of your monthly statement.